M’sian Drug Dealers Mixed Ecstasy With Bubble Tea To Make It Addictive

Now who doesn’t like the smooth milky drink that is also being the contender to be one of the top ‘sweet-toothers’ thirst quencher in Malaysia?
But less do we know that the current trendy items could be exploited by our local drug dealers as well — Somehow they have a world class’s business mind. As it turns out drug dealers have been using it as a way to distributing drugs.
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Recently the Malaysian Police has busted down a ring of drug dealers who have been using it as a way to distribute ecstasy.
The ecstasy has been turned into a powder form before being mixed in with the sweet drinks. Other type drinks includes iced lemon tea, grape juice, or any drinks depending on people’s choice.
The police have seized over 131 packets of milk tea powder, and 27 drinks which all had been mixed with ecstasy.
It has been informed that mixing powdered drugs into popular drinks has been going on for a while now, especially in clubs. However this is the first time that bubble tea has been used as the drink of choice.
Over RM462,250 worth of property was confiscated during the raid. That includes 4 cars, 4 leather bags, 2 watches, and cashes.
All suspects who were between the age of 20 to 35-year-old will be investigated under Section 39B of the Dangerous Drugs Act 1952.
Please be careful when you’re purchasing the drink. Because it seems now diabetes is no longer the only concern. YOU COULD ALSO BE ADDICTED TO DRUGS!
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