PT3 Maths, English & Geography Papers Got LEAKED On Social Media

Ahhh.. the good ol’ exam days. All Form 3 students must have been preparing and cramming their ass off for the upcoming PT3 exams. Some has been going to tuition class, some probably creating hundreds of colourful note sheets.
There are some tutors however, have been leaking the PT3’s exam papers for Maths, English, and Geography on social media.
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Now just to stating the fact that forecast papers, or “soalan ramalan” has been a thing for years, but no nearly as accurate as this one. It is not considered as cheating because it’s only a forecast that shows how much the tutor would predict the possible questions — similar to a football coach predicting opponent’s play.
In a story published by Sin Chew Daily and The Star, the papers were completely identical to the actual paper in the exam.
For students who have been struggling to study with maximum efforts, this has been seen as unfair and unethical.
Members of The Star newspaper who joined the Telegram group anonymously said that there were over 2,782 members in the group, and the group was moderated by an admin who went by the name Sang Anti Bot.
This development puts the integrity of these government-held examinations at risk, as well as the results obtained by the students. The idea of “getting-good-grades-on-paper-will-ensure-you’ll-have-the-best-future” is really messing people up, including the tutors.
Those who have information of any examination leaks may submit their complaints to the Examinations Syndicate at [email protected].
We wish all the best to all the PT3 students.
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